
Hello readers. First of all, thanks for visiting my humble blog. I would also like to say that this blog is more of a passtime than a tool to atract leads. I believe work experience has to be shared with collegues, not kept in a box. Most posts are about photography, but there will be other topics I find interesting (politics and religion excluded).

Ps. Some of the first posts were writen in portuguese because it's how I started this project, besides, portuguese is my native tongue, but writing in english is way more practical and it's considered today as "the international language", not to mention it works better with google translator.

Again, thanks for visiting.

October 10, 2019

Checklist para Sessão de Fotografia Imobiliária, Vídeo e Virtual Tour 3D

Nós fotógrafos, somos contratados para captar imagens de seu imóvel para que tenha a melhor apresentação possível, e este texto é um breve checklist que...

September 10, 2019

O ABC da Fotografia Imobiliária

Qualquer pessoa que já trabalhe no mercado imobiliário há algum tempo pode confirmar como fotos são instrumentos fundamentais de marketing imobiliário. Se você anunciar...

August 5, 2019

Caro Corretor Imobiliário, o que suas fotos transmitem a seus clientes?

Digamos que você esteja navegando na internet e procurando um imóvel na sua área, e de repente, se depara com um imóvel que lhe...

Pro pra Que?
July 4, 2019

6 simple reasons why you should hire a professional real estate photographer.

There are several benefits to hiring a professional photographer for your real estate business: High-quality images: Professional photographers have the skills, knowledge, and equipment...

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